Brave Heart

Maybe because words mean so much to me, silence means all the more. And maybe that is one reason animals mean so much to me—because they speak without words. In some ways, that makes them seem more trustworthy, and maybe, too, it means we listen more closely.

This dog fell asleep on the kitchen floor this morning while I was eating breakfast. He usually follows me from room to room, and I didn’t realize he hadn’t until I returned to the kitchen later and heard his breath, soft and rhythmic. My heart felt a twinge.

People often comment on how young he looks and seems, and they are right. But some moments reveal the underlying reality: he is twelve-and-a-half, and he is slowing down. Continue reading “Brave Heart”

How the Story Goes

Loss and death and disappointment all find their way to us at one time or another, and when they do, these things usually look like they will have the last word. I frequently find myself imagining the disciples after Jesus had been crucified and died—how it looked like death had had the final say. Who can even calculate their disappointment? Things were not as they had hoped. Continue reading “How the Story Goes”


Last night I accidentally knocked a mug off the counter, shattering it on the kitchen floor. Nothing ever survives that tile floor. Every mug we use in our house is one of a kind, not part of a set. But this one was more one of a kind—lovely green and blue pottery, purchased at some craft fair or open house and given as a gift. Oh well, I sighed. Some years ago now, a friend’s house burned to the ground during the night, and ever since I have been much less inclined to feel sad about the loss of things.  Continue reading “Smashed”